Energy Therapy Certification

Reiki Plus
(Elective Class)


Reiki Plus: Integrating Reiki with Other Healing Modalities, $200

Reiki is an excellent addition to many healing modalities. Many of us come to Reiki as a practitioner  already utilizing universal life force energies and intuitive gifts with our own developed sense of what it is means to be a healer. This course will address how to combine Reiki with a variety of healing modalities. If you feel drawn to integrate Reiki with the modalities you already provide, or feel intuitively that you would like to offer more options to your clients, this class is for you. Some additional practices we will learn to integrate with Reiki are, intuitive readings, hypnotherapy, shamanic practice, bio-field tuning, light therapy, crystals and stones and energetic clearing.

This class is open to Reiki practitioners level one and above.

Schedule for 2023
Saturday August 19 (10am to 5pm)