Past Life Therapy & Integration - HCH Institute

Past Life Therapy & Integration

Held on the first Wednesday of every month (online) from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM, (PST)

Due to the growing popularity of this class an online registration is required.

Please reserve your space by 5:30pm on the day of the meeting!

Cost $40.00

Have you ever wondered why you have a fascination for a certain place you have never been? Have you ever met someone for the first time and felt you have known them before, almost like you could pick up the conversation where you left off? Do you have unexplained phobias, physical or emotional issues?

Do you have a curiosity for understanding how a past life might contribute to what you are experiencing in your life now?

Past Life Regression can resolve experiences from our past that are blocking our progress, happiness and the ability to live life now to our full potential. Past Life Therapy can regress you back to to the original event that occurred so that you can understand and release the block, bringing closure to that lifetime.

Past Life Regression leads to an understanding of the purpose of that lifetime, the lessons learned and how it effects or plays out in the current life. Most importantly you will also uncover the personal strengths and gifts you bring to your current incarnation.

In this class series we will also explore other Psychospiritual processes that will give you tools and resources to help you navigate this life and your world.

Susan Lyons is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master. Throughout her life she has always been in some kind of a “helping profession”. Several years ago Susan found herself at an impasse. She felt she had so much more to offer and on a much deeper level. For Susan, Hypnotherapy and the HCH Institute has been a blessing both personally and professionally. Hypnotherapy has opened up a whole new beautiful world to her and dramatically changed her perception on life.

Susan graduated from the HCH Institute in Lafayette, Ca. She also completed a 6 month long internship and advanced training in Past Life Regression. In addition to Hypnotherapy she is also a Reiki Master.  

Susan has witnessed profound and heartfelt transformations in her clients which has confirmed her belief that Hypnotherapy is an excellent empowerment model. She is dedicated to working with her clients so that they may break free from their limitations and discover their true self! Susan schedules one on one sessions at the HCH Institute. 925-360-9767;

2025 Schedule

March 5- Exploring a Non-Human Incarnation 

April 2- Explore a Quantum Jump to a Parallel Reality

May 7- Exploring the Inter-Life to Discover Soul Agreements, Karmic Patterns and Life Purpose 

June 4- Healing Fears and Phobias with Past Life Therapy 

July 2- No class

August 6- Exploring a Past Life most related to your Current Life Situation 

September 3- Exploring a Past Life as a Healer

October 1- Exploring a Past Life Relationship 

November 5- Talking with the Dead

December 3- Introduction into a Future Life Incarnation Progression