About - HCH Institute

About HCH Institute

All HCH Trainings and services are held online with Zoom. HCH Institute offers clients and students the experience of personal growth and healing through non-ordinary states of consciousness that directly engage the wisdom of the unconscious. The modalities include Hypnotherapy, Shamanic Practices, and several modes of energy therapy, including Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique, and Bi-lateral Stimulation. These modalities  invoke and directly engage the higher Self in the process of learning and healing to facilitate balance, creativity, self-awareness, intuition development, grounding and accessing and living more in alignment with our True Self. HCH students experience the benefits of profound accelerated personal growth and transformation.

While HCH was founded in 1977 as one of the three first hypnotherapy schools in the US, our curriculum evolved to include other psychospiritual trainings of modalities that enhance and expand the practitioner's flexibility and capacities as a helping professional. We were the first school in California to offer a Certification in Energy Therapy and in 2010 we added a Shamanic Practices Certification Program.

One of the most significant elements in the HCH training is the emphasis on students personally experiencing the therapeutic process as clients through demonstrations and partner practicum. Because graduates understand the transformational effects of the modalities from the inside out, they are better prepared to empower clients to move through their own inner territories.

All HCH instructors follow the path of empowerment and teach the importance of supporting clients in healing themselves -- demystifying the idea that the “healer” is responsible for the results, or that she/he has a power or force used on the client. This approach minimizes co-dependencies between the client and therapist and helps clients more consciously experience being the creative healing force in their own lives.

HCH generally attracts students who demand excellence in training and in themselves, and who have an understanding that being a practitioner is an art: that skills are cultivated and honed, not just learned through lectures and watching demonstrations. Because the HCH teaching and healing philosophy emphasizes the spiritual realm of consciousness or the quantum field that is the basis of all healing, our typical student is one for whom there is a calling to do healing and transformational work whether for their own purposes or for the support of others.

Even though our community attracts a diverse population of students, there is a commonality: that we are all human beings growing, learning and wanting to be in service of the transformation of consciousness. The transformation begins with ourselves.

Through video conferencing, HCH graduates offer services in a low fee community clinic to the public. These practitioners are in a six-month post-graduate internship under weekly supervision while deepening their skills. All of the modalities we teach at HCH are available for individual sessions with the public.

Email us at hch@hypnotherapytraining.com or call 925-787-2024. See what's coming up on our Calendar. Please visit our YouTube Channel to watch teaching and client videos. Like us on Facebook!