Reiki I

Energy Therapy Core Courses

Reiki I $200 (online)

Reiki is an ancient hands-on healing technique that focuses the universal life-force energy known by many names: "Ki", "Chi", "Prana", "Light", or "Love Manifest." The trainings involve receiving "attunements" that are the transference of Reiki energy and Reiki symbols from the teacher into the energy field and hands of the student so his or her energy system is open to the flow of the Reiki energy. Treatments are given with clothes on and are appropriate and effective to combine with other healing modalities. Reiki is useful for stress reduction, physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and for pain management. The lineage of this Reiki training comes from the Dr. Usui method. Our certification includes the first two of four levels of Reiki training resulting in preparation to be a Reiki practitioner. Students will learn the history of Reiki, about the many scientific studies that show the efficacy of Reiki in clinical settings, (and access to the studies), how to legally and ethically practice Reiki, and demonstration and practice giving self-Reiki and Reiki treatments to others.

All Energy Therapy classes are open to the public. Classes may be taken in any order independently of certification or following the required curriculum for Certification. 

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the history of Reiki and the Usui lineage of Reiki.

  • Understand the ethics and legality of practicing Reiki.

  • Understand about preparing your physical space, yourself, and the client to receive a Reiki treatment. Initiating the student into Reiki through receiving four Reiki I attunements.

  • Perform Self-Reiki using the 16 hand positions.

  • Give a Reiki treatment to a client and demonstrate using the 16 hand positions.

Reiki I Thursdays On-Line 2025 (6:30-9:00)

June 5, 12
September 4, 11
November 13, 20