Advanced Training in Spirit Releasement - HCH Institute

Spirit Releasement Training

Instructor: Holly Holmes-Meredith, MFT,
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Fridays January 3, 10, 17, 24 (3pm to 6pm) Pacific Time
Cost: $350.00 or ($300.00 if you’ve taken the Past Life Therapy class).

Spirit Releasement Therapy is one of the most important tools of the transpersonally-oriented hypnotherapist.  If a client is plagued by unwanted energetic attachments all of other therapy approaches may be inhibited or unsuccessful. 

Through this training students will learn techniques for diagnosis, induction, hypnotic strategies for dealing with attachments, and processes for protection and for releasing the entities into the Light.  Students will be able to distinguish the different  types of attachments and learn  how to differentiate an attachment from a sub-personality,  past life, spirit guide and a multiple personality.  Remote spirit releasement protocol will also be covered. There will be lectures, demonstrations, case presentations and supervised partner practice both inside and outside of class. 

Learning Objectives

  • To be able to recognize and identify the symptoms of a spirit attachment.  

  • To learn  about and experience SRT as a client and hypnotherapist.   

  • To perform a variety of sessions in and outside of class to practice the technique with clients. 

  • To understand and work with the potential anomalous and unexpected  responses clients may have when doing the work. 

  • To learn about and practice remote spirit releasement  

  • To begin to develop confidence using the approach in your practice.