HCH Institute Presents
A R e c o r d i n g W o r k s h o p
For Hypnotherapists,Therapists,Coaches
Class held on Zoom, Cost $225
Sundays March 16th & 23rd ‘25, 4pm to 7pm Pacific Time
Class is limited to 15 participants.
Learn how to make professional sounding recordings that can boost your marketing efforts, deepen your client experience, and even generate passive income. Experience the convenience of recording in your own home, without the pressure and expense of booking studio time. In this era of content creation, it's easier than ever to let your voice be heard!
In this class you will learn the basics of recording, editing, EQ, audio clean up, adding sound effects and music, and publishing. You will learn by making a sample of recording in class including all the elements you will need for a professional quality recording.
Prerequisites: Students must have a basic knowledge of computers, a working computer, Audacity (free to download), and a Microphone (computer mic technically works, but the $100 Yeti Blue Mic with a Pop Screen is recommended. Additionally—make sure you have the right USB cable for your computer).
Audacity- Click here (please download and install before class)
Yeti Blue—Click here
Pop Screen—Click here
Brandon is available for free 15 minute consultations to help you determine if you meet the prerequisites.
Open the door to another level of your business
with professional sounding recordings.
Taught by Brandon Smith, CHT
Brandon Smith is an educator, professional musician, digital marketing enthusiast, and most recently, hypnotherapist.
Brandon has over 20 years teaching experience including private violin students, classrooms of fiddlingchildren, advanced music classes for adults, and Search Engine Optimization education for small businessowners. No matter the setting or the subject, Brandon is grateful to be a witness to the learning and growth processes innate to each of us. Brandon is available for free 15 minute consultations to help you determine if you meet the prerequisites.