Emotional Freedom Technique
Emotional Freedom Technique, On-Line, $300.00
"EFT" is a simple to use but highly effective body "tapping" technique that is revolutionizing conventional therapeutic thought and astonishing many who use it. The premise behind EFT comes from the research of Dr. Roger Callahan: The cause of all negative emotion is a disruption in the energy system. EFT is a systematic process that straightens out the energy system. Imagine experiencing quick, effective freedom from negative emotions, anxiety, limiting beliefs, inability to express love, years of doubt, grief, intense fears, phobias, addictive cravings and depression. EFT works effectively on all of these and many other of life's challenges. Any one can use it. It is simple to learn, easy to use and you can do it on yourself or with family or friends. Knowing EFT is incredibly valuable for therapist, hypnotherapists and anyone in the healing profession. In this course you will learn about the essence of EFT, the EFT technique, how to use the technique effectively, including shortcut techniques, the impact of energy toxins and how to get to the underlying aspects of a problem.
All Energy Therapy classes are open to the public. Classes may be taken in any order independently of certification or following the required curriculum for Certification.
Learning Objectives
To understand the theory of EFT, a meridian-based energy therapy: all symptoms are the result of a disruption in the energy system.
To learn and practice performing EFT on self and facilitating EFT with clients.
To use several strategies taught in class: go with what is happening, be specific, intuitive technique, persistence, short story, to have methods get to the aspects and underlying conditions of a symptom with EFT.
To learn how and when to employ shortcuts to EFT
To use the protocol for using EFT for addictive cravings and limiting beliefs
To understand that tapping along with a client will not only benefit the client, but will also allow “Borrowing Benefits” for one’s self.
Schedule for 2023
Fridays Feb 17, 24, March 3, 10 (3pm to 6pm)
Sat/ Sun September 23, 24 (10am to 5pm)