Clearing the Way

With Shamanic practices instructor, Annie Blackstone
A series of 6 Mondays on Zoom, 6:00PM to 9:00PM

Jan 23, 30
Feb 6, 13, 20, 27

4 people minimum


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“Clearing the Way for 2023” 

Do you feel the call to shift into a new way of being? Are you ready to release old beliefs, experiences and trauma that have been holding you back?

Whether your challenges are…



  • Weight management

  • Health

  • Motivation


  • Anxiety

  • Limiting beliefs,

  • Negative self talk


  • Depression

  • Anger

  • Fear


  • Difficulty connecting to source

  • Feeling disconnected and alone


…releasing what is no longer serving you is key to creating the lasting changes that will allow you to co-create your best life.

  • First class; introduction to clearing energy, emotional, physical, spiritual, ancestral, and why it is important in creating our future/destiny.

  • Second class, Physical clearing/ South/ snake

  • Third class, Emotional clearing/ west/ jaguar

  • Fourth class, Relationship clearing/ north / hummingbird

  • Fifth class, Spiritual clearing/ east / eagle

  • Sixth class, Manifesting, Co-creating the life you dream

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Annie Blackstone teaches Shamanic practices, at HCH. Her goal is to  provide students with a solid foundation in Shamanic practices and create a supportive and dynamic community of healers, because the world needs us now more than ever.  Annie’s teaching draws on a variety of cultures, teachers and traditions which all stem from an understanding of working in relationship and reciprocity with nature and the unseen forces that shape our world.

Annie also teaches hypnotherapy and Reiki at HCH. She is a clinical hypnotherapist, Reiki master teacher and shamanic practitioner. In her practice she also utilizes and received advanced training in Biofield tuning, EFT, Past Life Regression, Spirit Releasment Therapy, Sand Play therapy, and Brain Spotting. Visit annie online at