Hypnotherapy Training
Shamanic Practices
Reiki/Energy Therapy
About Energy Therapy
Reiki I
Reiki II
Reiki Master Teacher
Business and Ethics in Alternative Therapies
Energy Boundaries
Dowsing, Muscle Testing, Divination
Advanced Classes
About Advanced Classes
Ancestral Healing for Hypnotherapists
Advanced Training in Quantum Consciousness
Advanced Training in Past-Life Therapy
Advanced Training in Spirit Releasement
Advanced Inner Child Work
Advanced Soul Retrieval
Advanced Brainspotting
Advanced Internship & Externship
A Recording Workshop
Low Fee Clinic
Free Reiki Clinic
Online Meet-Ups
Practices for Self Care
Exploring Gateways to Higher Consciousness
Dream Group
Past Life Therapy & Integration
Modern Shamanism
IBRT Sponsored Membership
Holly's Page
Holly's Books
Blog Posts
CD Downloads
How Was Your Experience
HCH Institute
Hypnotherapy Training
Shamanic Practices
Reiki/Energy Therapy
About Energy Therapy
Reiki I
Reiki II
Reiki Master Teacher
Business and Ethics in Alternative Therapies
Energy Boundaries
Dowsing, Muscle Testing, Divination
Advanced Classes
About Advanced Classes
Ancestral Healing for Hypnotherapists
Advanced Training in Quantum Consciousness
Advanced Training in Past-Life Therapy
Advanced Training in Spirit Releasement
Advanced Inner Child Work
Advanced Soul Retrieval
Advanced Brainspotting
Advanced Internship & Externship
A Recording Workshop
Low Fee Clinic
Free Reiki Clinic
Online Meet-Ups
Practices for Self Care
Exploring Gateways to Higher Consciousness
Dream Group
Past Life Therapy & Integration
Modern Shamanism
IBRT Sponsored Membership
Holly's Page
Holly's Books
Blog Posts
CD Downloads
How Was Your Experience
Clinic Intakes
Client Intake Ariana
Client Intake Brandon
Client Intake Amel
Client Intake Christel
Client Intake Annie
Client Intake Holly
Clinic Additional Forms Ariana
Clinic Additional Forms Brandon
Clinic Additional Forms Amel
Clinic Additional Forms Christel
Clinic Additional Forms Annie
Clinic Additional Forms Holly
ONLINE Zoom Conferencing Sessions
There are potential benefits and risks of video-conferencing limits to client confidentiality) that differ from in-person sessions.
• Confidentiality still applies for on line services, and nobody will record the session without the permission from both the client and therapist. • We agree to use the video-conferencing Zoom platform selected for our virtual sessions, and the therapist will explain how to use it. • You need to use a computer, or smartphone during the session. • It is important to be in a quiet, private space that is free of distractions (including cell phone or other devices) during the session. • It is important to use a secure internet connection rather than public/free Wi-Fi. • It is important to be on time. If you need to cancel or change your online appointment, you must notify the therapist in advance by phone or email. • We need a back-up plan (e.g., phone number where you can be reached) to restart the session or to reschedule it, in the event of technical problems. • We need a safety plan that includes at least one emergency contact and the closest emergency room to your location, in the event of a crisis situation. • If you are not an adult, we need the permission of your parent or legal guardian (and their contact information) for you to participate in the online sessions. • You are responsible for full payment. Payments are made through the PayPal site. Use this email for payment: holly@hypnotherapytraining.com
I Have Read, Understand and Accept This Disclosure
First Name
Last Name
Thank you!
Client Intake Form
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Street Address
State and Zip Code
Referred by:
Emergency Contact/Name and Phone
Marital Status
Family You Grew Up With __Name/Relationship/Age
Family/Others You Currently Live With
For What Questions or Concerns Are You Seeking Help?
Past Counseling/Hypnotherapy/Therapy History (Type and Duration)
Religious/Spiritual Background/Orientation
Have You Ever Attempted Suicide?
Are You Currently Having Suicidal Thoughts?
Are You Currently Taking Medication?
If Yes What Kind?
Do You Use Alcohol?
If Yes How Much/How Often?
Do You Use Other Drugs?
If Yes What Kind/How Often?
Thank you!
California Senate Bill #SB577
The following disclosure is intended to fulfill the requirements of the California Senate Bill #SB577, passed in September 2002, affecting all non-licensed helping professionals offering alternative health care.
1. HCH Clinical Hypnotherapist Interns, Reiki Practitioners, Energy therapists and Shamanic Practitioners are not licensed physicians or psychotherapists. They are not qualified to diagnose, treat or prescribe for physical or mental conditions. 2. The use of Hypnotherapy, Reiki, and Shamanic Practices is alternative and complementary to healing arts services licensed by the State of California. 3. The services offered in the HCH Low Fee Community Clinic are not licensed by the State of California but the training HCH Interns have received has been approved by the International Board of Regression Therapy, The Professional Board of Hypnotherapy, the California Board of Registered Nurses and the California Association for Marriage Family Therapists. 4. Services offered include Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Shamanic Practices, for the purpose of pain management, goal setting, performance enhancement, self-healing, regressing therapy, spiritual emergence issues, trauma, relationship issues, learning enhancement, stress management, career issues, exploring life purpose, personal growth and discovery. None of these services is intended to be a substitute for medical or psychological care. Any issue beyond the scope of the HCH Intern’s training and practice will be referred to a licensed practitioner. 5. It is the goal of HCH and all HCH Interns to provide clients with a safe, non-judgmental and supportive environment where clients can gain insights into established patterns of behaviors and work towards transformation and personal growth. Because all of the services and modalities are based on the empowerment model, all clients do their own works and healing with the guidance of a co-creative facilitator. 6. All HCH Interns have completed the HCH Board approved 200 hour training in Hypnotherapy and are Certified Hypnotherapists. 7. All are trained in EFT. Many of the Interns are also trained in Reiki, Shamanic Practices and other Energy Therapy Modalities. All Interns are currently enrolled in a 100-hour, six-month, Clinical Internship Training which will result in a Clinical Hypnotherapist Certification. I have read and understand the disclosure.
First Name
Last Name
Thank you!
Low-Fee Hypnotherapy Clinic Disclosure
HCH Interns observe professional standards with regard to confidentiality
Interns will not reveal information disclosed in the course of any meeting unless required to by California reporting codes. Services at HCH, Institute for Hypnotherapy and Psychospiritual Trainings, are provided by Certified Hypnotherapists who are continuing in advanced post-graduate clinical training through the Low-Fee Community Clinic. As a part of this training meetings with you may be discussed in supervision for educational and training purposes. Your name will remain confidential. Please complete the following: I give my certified hypnotherapist, permission to audio or video tape my meetings for the purpose of supervision. (Initial whichever applies.) I understand the fee for each one hour meeting is $40.00 or 4 sessions for $140.00 to be paid at the end of each meeting by either cash, check, or Visa/MasterCard . I understand that there is a 24-hour cancellation requirement for any follow-up meetings. I understand that I will be billed full fee for a missed appointment.
I have read and understand this disclosure.
First Name
Last Name
Thank you!